Practice Rules

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Practice Rules

House rules and working method
We do our utmost to treat you to your full satisfaction and to make your visit to our practice as pleasant as possible. We also need your cooperation for this. To give you more insight into our working method and to guarantee the quality of our care, we would like to explain our working method and our house rules. We ask you to read this page carefully. Personal data If there are any changes to your address details, telephone number(s), e-mail address, insurance details or family situation, we would like to hear about this. You can use the change form on the website or send us an e-mail. We would like to hear if anything changes in your health situation and/or medication use. Consider, for example, a pregnancy. Your practitioner will ask about this. It is important that your practitioner is aware of your health and your medication use, so that this can be taken into account. To make your visit to our dental practice safe and as pleasant as possible, we apply a number of house rules. By our dental practice, you accept our house rules. These are our house rules:

• We treat each other with respect in our dental practice. Discrimination is not allowed. As a patient and visitor, you can count on being treated correctly by our employees. The reverse also applies, of course.

• We ask you to watch over your belongings yourself. Our dental practice is not liable for damage, theft and/or loss of your belongings.

•It is forbidden to smoke within our dental practice and associated buildings. This also applies to smoking electronic cigarettes.

• Possession of weapons, theft, vandalism, physical and verbal violence and (sexual) intimidation are not permitted in the Netherlands and therefore in our dental practice. Violations are always reported to the police. Offenders will be handed over to the police. In all cases, the costs incurred will be recovered from the offender. Do you see an unsafe situation? Report this to the reception or to one of the employees.
• It is not allowed to bring animals to our dental practice. Of course you can – if necessary – bring an assistance dog.

•Use of drugs and alcohol and/or being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol is not permitted in our dental practice.

•Do you want to make a photo, film or sound recording of the treatment, the employees and/or the patients? This is only allowed if you have explicitly requested and received permission from the person(s) involved. We ask that you respect the privacy of patients and employees.

•These rules of conduct apply both in our dental practice and on the entire grounds of our dental practice. Breaking the rules or not following instructions can lead to a warning or denial of access to our dental practice.

• In case of missed appointments or cancellation less than 48 hours in advance, we may charge the costs wwe reserve the right to charge patients who regularly miss their appointments. to fulfill, to unsubscribe.

• For extensive treatments you will receive a budget from us.

•We send an appointment reminder every day by e-mail or SMS to our patients for an appointment scheduled for the next day. This is a free service that we provide to our patients, from which no rights can be derived. If you do not receive a reminder from us, this does not mean that your appointment would not take place.

•We think your privacy is important. Patient information is not passed on or disclosed to third parties without consultation with the dentist and with the knowledge of the patient. All information remains within the practice building, except if it concerns information for a specialist or general practitioner, who needs the information for medical research (referral).

•We regularly measure customer satisfaction to keep abreast of your wishes and needs. Of course you can also report this to the desk assistant and/or the dentist.